Saturday 11 February 2012

Platinum #37 - Saints Row : The Third

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 4/10                                                                           
The challenge the game presents is extremely minimal, and the only difficulty to overcome is the somewhat grindy barrier contained within the trophy list.

As always seems to be the case with games with a story driven element, there are a bunch of trophies related to natural progression, for beating missions at certain stages throughout the story.

However, these trophies are designed in such a way that they encourage multiple playthroughs, with 4 branched trophies that are awarded for completing acts 1 and 3 in different ways.

If you want to negate the need for a second playthrough, just for these trophies, then you can always save just before the start of the mission, and reload it in order to grab whichever trophy you didn't get first time round, but if you're not aware and miss either of them, you'll be playing the game through for a second time right up until the necessary point.

Although there isn't a trophy awarded for beating the game to 100% completion, there are a ton of other trophies awarded for indulging in the games various side activities and fully taking over every district.

Taking over every district requires you to beat every instance of side activity within that area, and these are all highlighted on the in-game map aswell as carrying individual trophies, so it's extremely easy to monitor progression and keep track of what you need to complete in order to lock down the area.

None of the 10 different instances are particularly challenging, aside a couple of the later instances of Heli Assault and Mr Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax, and they generally fit in line with the easy nature of the game.

Being a sandbox game though, it wouldn't be complete with some good, old fashioned collectibles, and there are plenty to be had within this list. The "Life of the Party" trophy, awarded for finding 100% of collectibles, requires you to pick up all 80 hidden items scattered around the game, in the form of Drug packages, Money pallets, Sex dolls and Photo Opportunities.

You can purchase the collectible finder from stores, which will reveal the location of every single one of these items on the in-game map, and though it isn't terribly expensive, it is only available from shops late on in the game, so you might have to wait to grab most of them. However, even if you pick up a collectible, it is still shown on the map with a greyed out icon, whereas the items you still need to collect are coloured it, so an obvious difference is made between the two that makes it much easier for the player when it comes to hunting all 80 items down.

The "You're MY hero" trophy, awarded for completing all challenges, is possibly the most difficult trophy in this list, and requires you to fulfil the criteria of all 41 challenges located within the Saints Book. In reality, none of these are particularly difficult, but a small selection of them are seriously grindy, and will most likely see you playing right through the end-game achieving them all. 500 Multi-kills, competing 26 survival challenges and travelling 2,500,000 feet in distance are a few good examples of the more long winded challenges, and this is definitely the most time consuming aspect of the list.
The "Third and 30" trophy, awarded for spending over 30 hours in Steelport, is only relevant to mention because it means at least a 30 hour completion time, but you'll most likely be looking for well over that amount to Platinum the game anyway. It could be possible to beat everything within less time than 30 hours, but the vast amount of side activities, collectibles and the grindy element of the Saints Book challenges will see the majority of the players taking longer than 30 hours anyway.
The challenge this list contains is practically non-existent and the gameplay is incredibly simplistic and easy going. The main story will take anywhere from around 15-20 hours to beat, and along with the additional side activities, collectibles and challenges to get through, you can probably expect to double that timescale in total.

The hardest this list gets is the grindy element of the Saints Book challenges, but it's an easily tolerable grind in the general context of the word. You know a game has an easy Platinum when you have to choose a "hardest trophy" that probably wouldn't even qualify for contention in most lists out there, but this is one of the easiest lists I've played through, despite an estimated overall completion time of anywhere between 40-50 hours.

Notable Trophies -

You're My Hero - Complete ALL challenges
Third and 30 - Spend over 30 hours in Steelport
Hardest Trophy -                                                                                                                                                   

You're My Hero
Complete ALL challenges

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