Thursday 9 February 2012

Platinum #12 - Call of Duty : World at War

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 8/10

The direction of this list is quite clear, and the amount of trophies the game throws at you for beating the story and it's various levels on Veteran difficulty is heavily emphasised.
The Veteran difficulty level is seriously unforgiving and you can probably expect alot of repitition of certain sections of the game, not exactly helped by certain game mechanics that are completely designed to work against the player.                                                                      
It’s certainly a tougher outing than the campaign modes of previous Call of Duty games, and although it isn't a particularly time consuming Platinum, some sections of the game will require persistence to get through, and definitely present a solid challenge that requires high levels of skill and luck in equal proportions.

The "Hardened War Hero" Gold trophy, for beating the game on hardened or veteran difficulty, actually gives you the option to unlock the trophy if you don't want to tackle the hardest difficulty the game offers, but those who want the Platinum will have to beat every level on Veteran regardless, courtesy of a handful of trophies that require you to do just that.

The majority of the other Single player trophies revolve around performing certain chapter specific tasks, and although these aren't generally too difficult, there are a couple that will attempt to throw in a spanner or two (Most notably "Throw a Six and a Half", for completing a level without dying on hardened or veteran difficulty, and "Sum of All Zeros", for downing 45 Japanese Zeros in Black Cats).

There are also a generous amount of collectibles to gather, and the "Grave Robber" trophy is awarded for collecting all of the death cards scattered throughout the single player campaign (essentially intel, but can be used to give in game powers and bonuses).

The sheer difficulty of the campaign mode is mostly down to completely unforgiving limits on health and the constant barrage of grenades and enemy fire than is too often relentless. The "Purple Heart" trophy is even awarded for dying a certain number of times in the Campaign mode, which I think sums up the general difficulty of the game nicely.            
There are also a couple of multiplayer trophies worth noting, for playing through the campaign co-operatively, but it's nothing more than a bit of dabbling, however you do need to recruit 3 other people and complete a story level with them for the "Blue Ribbon" trophy, which is easier said than done.

Overall, there is absolutely no doubt where the difficulty regarding this Platinum lies. A seriously gruelling campaign mode which needs to be beaten on the toughest difficulty from start to finish is what will stand between many people. It might not be a particularly long journey, clocking in at around 20-25 hours in total, but that doesn't make it any less punishing.

Notable Trophies -

Hardened War Hero - Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty (Solo only)
Throw a Six and a Half - On Hardened or Veteran difficulty, complete a level without dying (Solo only)
Sum of All Zeroes - Down 45 Japanese Zeroes in 'Black Cats' (Solo only)
Hardest Trophy - 

Hardened War Hero - Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)                                                                                                     

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