Saturday 11 February 2012

DLC #36 + 37 - Uncharted 2 Drake's Fortune Map Pack and Siege Expansion Map Pack

Resistance Chimera in Uncharted? DLC baby!
If you want a seriously challenging set of online trophies, look no further than both pieces of Uncharted 2 DLC.                                                         The Drakes Fortune Map Pack comes with 12 trophies, and achieving all of them on offer will require a hefty time investment, with the specifically harder tasks requiring you to attain a collective total of 150 wins across the games 3 different online modes, capturing 200 times in Plunder mode and a general requirement of 2500 kills. 

You'll also need to obtaining 7 rapid fire medals, which is more luck based than judgement. It makes for for a long road of dedication and hard work as you tick off the mammoth list of tasks in order to nab every trophy in the pack.                                                                                                          
The Siege Expansion pack picks up from where the original left off, and offers the new siege game mode, and a core of hugely challenging trophies.     
The highlights in this pack come from beating all co-op maps on Crushing mode, which will require solid teamwork and skill (not to mention an undoubted number of attempts, too) and earning 10 Protectorate medals in competitive online also proves to be excruciatingly difficult, and also hugely luck based.
Even after I'd unlocked every other trophy in both packs, I was still going for the Protectorate medals for a long while after. It was a rewarding challenge, but it definitely felt like it had long outstayed it's welcome.

Even though it would seem unfair to single out specific trophies as the stand outs in this package, the most demanding task does still stand out significantly;

Cold Blooded
Get 2500 Kills

There's not way to sugar coat it, you need 2500 kills across any game mode. It most likely won't be the last trophy you unlock, but it's a daunting reminder you need 2500 kills to achieve it, and given that you'll probably achieve around 20 kills in a very good game of Plunder/Team Deathmatch, it doesn't even bare thinking how long this will take.

All of the trophies on offer will probably require a huge collective time investment, but there are no doubt a decent mix of skill based trophies in there too.                                                                     
When you combine them together, they make Uncharted a solid 100% to achieve. Both packs throw up some equally challenging tasks and collectively, they push towards a 60-70 hour experience to achieve all 23 trophies.

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