Friday 25 April 2014

DLC #82 - Call of Duty : Black Ops - First Strike Map Pack

Classic survival horror!
The First Strike Map Pack adds 4 new trophies tied to the single Zombies map (Ascension) added to the game, and definitely produces the easiest list out of all the Black Ops DLC packages.

The tasks are fairly straight forward and low in skill requirement, including escaping on all 3 lunar landers within the level during one game, killing a space monkey with a fire trap and Pack-A-Punching a weapon before Round 8.

The "They are going THROUGH!" trophy, awarded for killing at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh Device, will require you to obtain the Gersh Device via the Mystery box, which, as always, is completely dependant upon luck, but if you follow through with basic strategies of zombies mode in solo play, you can easily get through enough rounds to be able to get the Gersh Device and fulfil the requirements of the trophy with relative ease.

In theory, you can actually unlock every single trophy in one game, and it isn't too demanding to juggle them around and create an order, though you will need to make sure you have a Pack-A-Punched weapon before Round 8 if you want to attempt all the trophies in a single run. That's just an emphasis of how easy this package is though.

Most important to note, you can unlock all 4 trophies in solo play and therefore don't have to rely on anybody else to complete the package. 

Saturday 12 April 2014

DLC #81 - Battlefield 3 - Armoured Kill

Armour, Big Armour
Another 5 trophies accompany the Armoured Kill DLC, with the focus of this package on the vehicles of Battlefield 3, with a couple of new additions including the Quad Bike and Gunship, and a new angle on tanks with an extra game mode in the form of Tank Superiority.

This package is a bit of a mixed bag, with some challenging trophies thrown into a small bunch of easier ones. The more simplified tasks in this content follow suit from other DLC packages, including obtaining a kill with two of the new vehicles added into the game (Quad Bike and Gunship), along with winning a game of the new Tank Superiority game mode.

It's fairly easy to knock off these trophies, though the Quad Bike is a tricky vehicle to get a kill with at times, and it is very small and weak, making it susceptible to being destroyed easily, so it does have potential to cause you problems. However, the real challenge of this package lies in other areas;

Destroyer - Got 10 kills each with Tank Destroyers and Mobile Artilleries
Dropship - Destroyed the Gunship
For the "Destroyer" trophy, it's obtaining the 10 Mobile Artillery kills that makes this trophy difficult. Tank Destroyers are just variations of regular tanks and they're still the easiest vehicles in the game to obtain kills in, racking up 10 of them shouldn't be an issue.

The Mobile Artillery trucks are new additions to the game also, and are essentially over-sized Mortars on wheels. Measuring the trajectory and angle of the missiles is a difficult concept to get the hang of, especially when you need to be accurate enough to take out ground troops at certain points on the map, and even though there is a fairly big blast radius, nothing short of a direct hit will earn you a kill. Mobile Artillery trucks aren't very mobile either, and they're alot weaker than any Tank Destroyer in the game too, so they're prone to being destroyed easily, and racking up 10 kills is a bit of a slow burner as a consequence.

The "Dropship" trophy is slightly less frustrating, but does come with it's constraints at the same time. The Gunship is only available in conquest mode, and is assigned to a specific flag for the whole game in which the enemy needs to be in control of in order to spawn the gunship. Even then, the gunship only spawns at sporadic intervals so there are limited windows of opportunity to achieve this trophy, and the fact it will always circle the outer perimeter means you need to be in prime position to take your chances to destroy it.

It's best to sit on the edge of the map at a certain point where the gunship will patrol towards, and because of the fact the gunship always hugs the outer parts of the map and is situated so high up, Stinger lock-on range is ineffective from anywhere else on the map. It takes about 3 hits from a Stinger to destroy it, and you will always have other Jets and Choppers trying to take it down and steal the kill, so you may need some patience fighting for this trophy too.

Armoured Kill isn't the toughest DLC package in Battlefield 3, but it contains a few challenges that will test your skills, and even though a time estimate is difficult to nail down, you can expect anywhere between 5-8 hours as an average timeframe.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

DLC #80 - Battlefield 3 - Aftermath

The Aftermath DLC package adds, yet again, another 5 trophies to the Battlefield 3 list, and focuses them around the new main weapon inclusion, the Crossbow, and the trophies in this package and heavily centred around it.

Most of the trophies are fairly casual, including dipping into the newly added Scavenger game mode and discovering a fun little Easter egg along the way, but the emphasis on the Crossbow is large amongst the new trophies.

Even though the other tasks contained within are relatively straight forward, and shouldn't present too much of a challenge, there is 1 trophy in this list to specifically highlight;

Handyman - Unlocked all xbox parts
This is actually one of the handful of trophies throughout all of the DLC packages that involves completing assignments in order to unlock weapons and their parts.

Assignments are made up of a variation of objectives that need to be fulfilled in order to unlock the blueprint for the relevant weapon/part, and although this is actually one of the easier set of assignments to unlock, there are a few grindy objectives thrown in that will add a bit of a length to this package.

There are 5 assignments in total required to unlock this trophy (1 assignment for the crossbow itself and 4 assignments for parts for it), and some of the objectives involve getting 50 kills with sniper rifles, obtaining a designated vehicle assist and a cumulative total of 450 metres worth of headshots with a variety of weapon types. The tasks aren't as difficult as some other assignments contained within other DLC packages, but they do lump the hours onto the game.

The challenge presented is minimal, but there is a nice little time investment here, and you can expect to unlock all of the trophies within anywhere between 6-10 hours.

Sunday 6 April 2014

DLC #79 - Battlefield 3 - End Game

New toys. New game mode.
The End Game DLC adds 5 trophies to the Battlefield package, and also focuses the extra trophies around the addition of the classic Capture the Flag game mode.

There isn't much here that offers that great of a challenge, at least not in comparison to some of the other DLC packages within the game.

You can unlock 3 of the trophies through achieving a kill using the new vehicles also added into the game, (Motorbike, AA Jeep and Paradrop), and unlike certain vehicles, they're all relatively easy to use, and the fact that you only need to get a solitary kill means you shouldn't find it too tough or time consuming to earn them.

The other trophies, "Capture the Flag", awarded for capturing the flag while playing CTF and "Transport Pilot", awarded for transporting a flag carrier in an air vehicle in CTF, can both be earned naturally playing through a couple of games of Capture the Flag, and even though transporting a flag carrier will require an extent of co-operation, it's much easier to create a squad with a friend/partner and just assist each other in fulfilling the requirements for the trophy, especially if you're struggling with limited co-operation from other players.

End Game is definitely the easiest of the Battlefield DLC packs, and you can earn all 5 trophies in less than a few hours. You might need a bit of patience for the kill-related trophies, which could possibly make it a slightly longer venture, but that's about as far as the overall challenge goes.