Friday 10 February 2012

Platinum #28 - Motorstorm : Pacific Rift

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 10/10

Both the Single Player and Multiplayer portions of this game are difficult in a number of instances, with both parts presenting hugely demanding challenges to equal measure.

The main focus of the Single Player part, the Festival mode, contains the "Champion" trophy, awarded for winning 96 gold medals, which means you have to win every single race in the Festival.

Most of the races are easy enough, but when the Festival hits rank 6, things get much tougher, and by the time you've hit rank 8, which is the final tier of races, earning gold medals becomes incredibly difficult, down to hugely aggressive AI and the need for impeccable racing skills There's alot of rubbing banding AI throughout the festival, which can make things frustrating, and you will need to be willing to go through multiple re-runs if you want to earn all 96 gold medals, so it's a huge test to your will and determination.

As far as the Festival goes, the "Champion" trophy is pretty much the sole focus, and the other Festival related trophies will come naturally along the way. The "Can't Touch This" trophy, awarded for winning any rank 8 race without being wrecked, is pretty frustrating, especially with the hardcore rubber banding AI always seemingly out to wreck the player and this took me close to 50 attempts before I actually managed to unlock it, so you'll need to be patient over this one, and hope for bundles of luck in the process.
The "Hire Me" trophy, awarded for beating all 128 original developer ghosts in time attack, is another hugely difficult challenge. You need to master all 16 tracks, with all 8 vehicles, and although most of them don't really take much effort to beat, there are a handful of times that will have you perfecting trials for hours if you want to beat all 128 of them within the target times. Nothing less than perfection will nail the target times on some trials, so you can't afford to make any errors or slow down.
The Multiplayer portion of this Platinum is even harder, with a variety of trophies that definitely justify a maximum rating for this list.
The "Legend" trophy, awarded for reaching rank 5 online, is possibly one of the toughest gold trophies available in any game, and will only be obtained through consistent driving and placing well in races. 

This is down to the regressive levelling system in place, and if you finish races in lowly positions, or you go through any bad spells, your rank will seriously plummet and there's no way you'll hit rank 5. Not only is it fairly disheartening to actually watch your rank decrease, it also takes you further away from the trophy, which means that only the consistent and highly skilled Motorstorm players will ever unlock it. Rank 5 might not even seem that high, but each rank has a Bronze, Silver and Gold tier, meaning you theoretically need to go through 15 levels to hit the top. You also seem to get stung harder when you're experience decreases than what you earn when your experience increases, especially when you move higher up the ranks and the opportunities to beat higher ranked racers are much lower.
The "Ranked Streak" trophy, awarded for winning 3 online ranked races in a row, is self explanatory, but again, seriously difficult. It's hard enough to win 1 race, let alone 3 consecutively, and some serious mastery of the game is needed to achieve this trophy, which is a common theme throughout this game.

The "Immortal" trophy, awarded for winning an online race without wrecking, is easier said than done, especially in a game like Motorstorm, where the emphasis completely surrounds destruction and carnage.

There are also a ton of trophies emphasised around accumulation and totals. The pick of these is the "Winner" trophy, awarded for winning 250 races. These can be done across any game mode, and you can set up custom matches that are easy to win just for the sake of notching up this number, but 250 wins is hugely time consuming and will require an element of grind at some stage, especially when you consider there are also trophies awarded for winning 50 races in each of the lightweight, mediumweight and heavyweight vehicles too, along with winning 5 races on the 16 tracks in the game (another 80), which takes the overall total of wins above 250 anyway.

There is also a very special mention for the "Friendship" trophy, awarded for completing a Split-Screen race with 4  players, which will, in most cases, require you to own 4 DualShock controllers, or, if you can, borrow 3 off any relevant parties. This trophy alone delayed the Platinum by almost 2 years for me personally, as I gradually went through new controllers before realising I actually had enough to go back and finally unlock this Platinum.

Overall, this is without doubt one of the hardest Platinum trophies available on the Playstation 3. You need some serious amounts of skill and determination to achieve what's required of you for this Platinum, both for the Single Player and Multiplayer portions of the game. Even though it's tough to nail down a estimated completion time, mostly thanks to the fact that the regressive levelling system will be different for everyone depending on skill, you can definitely suggest 150 hours as a bare minimum. Words don't do enough justice for how tough this one is, you simply have to experience it to believe it.

Notable Trophies -

Champion - Win 96 Gold medals
Can't Touch This - Win any Rank 8 race without being wrecked
Hire Me - Beat all 128 original developer times in Time Attack
Legend - Reach Online rank 5 (Legend)
Ranked Streak - Win 3 Online races in a row
Immortal - Win an Online ranked race without wrecking
Winner - Win 250 races
Friendship - Complete a Split-Screen race with 4 players

Hardest Trophy -                                            

Reach Online Rank 5 (Legend)

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