Thursday 1 September 2016

DLC #97 - The Last of Us - Abandoned Territories

Abandon ship! (Bus)
After Reclaimed Territories, comes Abandoned Territories, adding a futher 4 maps to The Last of Us Multiplayer experience, and 7 new trophies to accompany them.

The format of this list is an exact carbon copy of it's predessessor.

For a refresher, 3 of the trophies in this package are awarded for playing each of the games 3 game modes on any of the 4 new maps, exactly the same as the previous DLC pack.

Which means, the other 4 trophies are awarded for achieving 5 downs or executions on each of the 4 new maps in one game. It is important to note, which is something I wasn't actually aware of previously, that, you can get a combined total of 5 downs and executions to unlock these trophies, rather than having to get at least 5 of either one, which actually makes these trophies even easier than I previously believed.

As before, they're incredibly easy trophies to unlock, and if you're battling through the main list campaigns, these will all come naturally at some point. Very easy.