Thursday 9 February 2012

Platinum #18 - Split/Second

Platinum Trophy Difficulty - 6/10                                                                           
The majority of this list revolves around the Single Player portion of the game, with the Season mode featuring heavily in the Platinum.

The main focus of the list is centred around the "Perfection" trophy, awarded for completing every event and Season Championship in first place, and in gunning for this trophy, you will unlock the vast majority of the other trophies the Single Player throws at you.

Most of the these trophies are either progression based, for beating various events and shows, or just purely cumulative, and you'll unlock them slowly over time as you progress through the Season mode, and in reality, there isn't much that will really trip you up.

You could make a case for a couple of the trophies, including the "Heavyweight" trophy, awarded for wrecking 1000 rivals with Powerplays, which could, in some cases, take you beyond the end-game, given the sheer amount required, and the "Split Second" trophy, awarded for winning a race by less than a second, which simply cannot be influenced and is purely down to getting lucky with the right scenario.

In fact, the toughest trophies relating to the Single Player portion are actually external to the Season mode.

The "Beat the Team" trophy, awarded for beating 1 minute and 7 seconds on Construction Site in Detonator, requires you to nail a flawless run against the quickest developer time in the game. You'll need alot of practise, determination, luck and, above all else, skill, to hit the target time and unlock the trophy. You'll need to do it twice over too, courtesy of the "Beat the Team 2" trophy, awarded for beating 1 minute and 18 seconds on Power Plant in Detonator.

The Multi-player portion is alot easier than you might expect, but the stand-out trophy is the "World Beater" trophy, awarded for getting an online form of 1. You start at 99, and climb towards 1 with each race, and the amount of form you earn per race is dependant upon on where you finish and who you manage to beat. Placing highly and beating players with better form is the way to gather better form for yourself quickly.

The downside, and the only thing that makes this trophy tough, is the fact that it follows a very Motorstorm-esque regressive levelling system, where you can fall back in your rank if you under-perform consistently enough. It isn't as harsh with regression as Motorstorm can be, nor does it take as long to hit the maximum rank, but you will still need a decent level of consistency to hit form 1 and unlock the trophy, but it is important to note that you can very plausibly earn this trophy within a good few hours, as levelling up can be extremely generous at times.

None of the other online trophies are difficult. You are awarded trophies for hitting 75 and 25 form respectively, and there is a viral trophy that should catch on quick enough to not cause you any problems, but hitting form 1 is the primary focus.

It may also be worth noting that almost half of the entire trophy list is hidden, and even though there isn't anything difficult stashed away from immediate view, it can be a bit of a headache to keep track of which ones you still need to unlock.

Apart from the odd struggle with the regressive levelling system, and a few of the Single Player trophies, this list is a fairly straight forward one. Practically everything relating to the Season Mode can be obtained through casually natural play, and even winning every single event turns out to be much easier than you may initially think. 

Even with the tougher parts on top, this is still only a 25-30 hour Platinum, and despite the odd challenge here and there, it doesn't hold up a solid barriers to threaten any sort of difficulties regarding full completion.

Notable Trophies -

Perfection - Complete every event and every Season Championship in first place
Heavyweight - Wreck 1000 Rivals with Power Plays
Beat the Team I - Beat 1 minute 7 seconds on Construction Site in Detonator
Beat the Team II - Beat 1 minute 18 seconds on Powe Plant in Detonator
World Beater - Get an Online form of 1
Hardest Trophy -                                                                                                                                                   

Beat The Team II: The Revenge
Beat 1 minute 18 seconds on Power Plant in Detonator

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