Friday, 10 February 2012

Platinum #27 - Heavy Rain

Trophy Difficulty Rating - 3/10                                                          
Its hard to try and determine what exactly constitutes as difficult for a game like Heavy Rain. It doesn't exactly present any sort of challenge in terms of raw difficulty, but it does have a very methodical based trophy list that requires alot of meticulous planning and preparation as you slog through a multitude of play-throughs from various points in the game to grab the Platinum.

The "All Endings" trophy, for seeing all endings, is definitely the most time consuming trophy in the package. Thankfully, you don't need to play through the game from the very beginning to get every ending (of which there are about 12), but even with the benefit of chapter select, you'll still need to play through chunks of the game multiple times, which ultimately becomes a pretty heavy slog.

A huge amount of the list is awarded for simply making certain choices during the games chapters, and given the fact you can replay individual chapters at will, collecting all of these is a breeze, even though you'll most likely need more than 1 playthrough to finish everything regardless.

There are a few more slightly challenging trophies that you'd do well not to miss first time around, such as "Four Heroes", "Nerd" and "The Perfect Crime", but given the fact almost the entire list is built up of hidden trophies, I'll refrain from spoiling anything. Even still, the only difficulty these stretch out to is the fact they require a little bit of tougher thinking and logic than the rest of the trophy list, and you can always use guides if necessary. 
I personally dont feel Heavy Rain is the sort of the game suited to replay value, and after playing through the game once, the rest of the trophy list will demand a ton of repetition which just ends up becoming a bit of a slog, and is ultimately the most gruelling thing about the Platinum when all is said and done.                                                      
I did contemplate striking the rating off completely, simply due to the nature of the game, but a mark for the "All Endings" trophy alone, another mark for the time consuming slog and a final mark for eventual tedium at least justifies a rating.

Notable Trophies -

All Endings - See All Endings
Perfect Crime - Clean Manfred's shop of evidence + Let Lauren, Hassan and Kramer die + Kill Madison and Jayden + Origami Killer free
Hardest Trophy -                                                            

All Endings
See All Endings (Gold)

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