Saturday, 11 February 2012

DLC #31 - Red Dead Redemption Liars and Cheats

Liars and Cheats was probably my pick of the Red Dead Redemption DLC. The trophies were challenging, but not to the point of turning impossible (Like Kingpin from Undead Nightmare)        
If you liked the gambling aspect of RDR, you'll get alot out of this pack, including the new Grand Prix and Stronghold modes which both include trophies tied to them. Poker and Liars dice against humans will always be more challenging, and it was nice to see they attached trophies to those modes too in order to add a competitive edge to them.                                                                                          
The increased competitiveness does heighten the challenge of the trophies though, so watch out for the following inparticular;                                                               

Pa-Pa-Pa-Poker Ace - In a full Multiplayer game, beat the table when the blinds are at maximum
Triple Crown - Get first place in all races in any Grand Prix

Red Dead Poker is tough enough as it is, due to erratic play styles and quitters upsetting the balance of blind introduction throughout the game, but beating the table when blinds are at maximum essentially means you have to win a game that goes right down to the last play.

Being able to get that far is tricky enough, and you do still have to end up winning the game, which can come down to a coin toss as you're forced to play hands you wouldn't necessarily want to play but have to, due to the game being at the highest blind limit.

Another important thing to point out is that you have to win on a full table, which consists of 6 people. It doesn't matter if other players quit during the game, as long as the table started with 6, but you still have to beat 5 other players one way or another regardless. Definitely the toughest trophy in this DLC.

The "Triple Crown" trophy, is slightly easier, but you do still need to win all 3 races in a chariot Grand Prix. If you can get into an isolated lobby and race against 1 or 2 players, you obviously give yourself a better chance of unlocking it, but full lobbies increase the challenge by the tenfold, and it is tough to find only a few other people who are interested in sticking around to finish all 3 races, especially if you've already won the first 2, and thus cannot be beaten by anyone else, due to the points difference.

Most of the trophies are simple enough tasks, but these two heighten the challenge significantly and make the package a worthy 100% to achieve.

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