The Single Player portion of this list contains a generous offering of trophies, and even the pinnacle of them, beating the game on the hardest difficulty, really isn't that difficult at all.
The campaign is absolutely loaded with progression based trophies, and if you tackle the campaign on Veteran difficulty first time around, you'll unlock around half of the entire list.
Beating every mission individually, regardless of difficulty, awards a trophy, and there are also 9 trophies on offer for beating the missions on Veteran difficulty too (Which are all grouped together, rather than awarded for each mission), which together equates to almost half of the games entire list.
The "Price of War" trophy, awarded for completing the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty, does give a choice, though this is completely irrelevant if you want the Platinum because of the handful of trophies attached to beating every mission in the game under Veteran difficulty anyway, so it doesn't exactly make sense to go ahead and try to beat the game on anything but Veteran mode.
The "Leave No Stone Unturned" trophy, awarded for collecting 45 enemy intel items, isn't exactly the most gruelling of collectibles, but many of them are very easy to miss. Thankfully, chapter select will allow you to go back and collect any you may have glazed over, and the game will also indicate which pieces of intel you're missing, so you do get a generous amount of extra assistance should you need it.
The campaign itself is incredibly short too, and even a Veteran run-through should take no longer than 6-8 hours to complete. Any relevant missable trophies, which goes for any missed intel and any of the chapter specific trophies, can also be cleaned up with use of chapter select, so it isn't even entirely necessary to pick everything up in an solitary play.
The bulk of the difficulty with this platinum comes from the Spec Ops mode.
The key focus here is the "Star 69" trophy, awarded for earning 69 stars in Special Ops. This means fully beating all 23 Spec Ops missions to a 3 star grade, which is achieved by beating the best estimated completion time for each mission. The missions are graded from Alpha through to Echo, and some of the mission times can be tough to beat, especially if you're playing alone (It is important to note a small selection of them do require 2 players as a minimum, so you will need a partner a some point).
There are alot of rewards to be had along the way, with a string of trophies handed out at various points for collecting stars on Special Ops missions. It keeps things ticking over nicely, despite the fact you will still need to collect every star available for the final trophy.
The Spec Ops mode, just like the campaign, also contains alot of very easy trophies for performing certain actions within the games various missions. Just over a fifth of the list is designated to these trophies, and you'll unlock most of them without even trying, though many of them are designed to be achieved in specific missions, even though the specifics are left out in the descriptions, but they're easy enough to work out anyway.
If you can manage to grab a partner to go through all 69 stars with you, then there really isn't a lot that will trouble you from the Spec Ops mode. There are a few exceptions, with some missions being challenging enough to make you struggle, even with the assistance of another person, but you still easily hit the magic 69 well within 10-15 hours.
Overall, this list isn't the hardest that a Call of Duty will game will ever present. Veteran difficulty, despite being hard in some instances, is packed with progression based trophies, and can still be beaten within 8 hours or so, and the chapter select feature makes it easy to go back and collect anything that you may have missed out, including Intel and any of the chapter specific trophies.
Spec Ops mode does heighten the difficulty somewhat, but with a dedicated partner, you can blast through most of the missions, and even the harder ones shouldn't take more than a handful of attempts at the very most. It all equates to an estimated completion time of around 20-25 hours, and makes for a much easier Platinum than World at War.
Notable Trophies -
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The Price of War - Complete the Single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty Star 69 - Earn 69 stars in Special Ops |
Star 69
Earn 69 Stars in Special Ops
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