Friday 22 November 2019

DLC #127 - Grid Autosport - Touring Legends Pack

This final DLC pack for Grid Autosport, which focuses on a series favorite for Grid (Touring Cars), adds a handful of new cars, a couple of new tracks and 3 new Touring Car Championships to take on.

The 3 new trophies included within are all each awarded for completion of the 3 new Championships added as part of this pack. 

The Championships include British, European and International flavours, with the tracks used in each being relevant to their locations, and you can use any of the 5 new Touring cars to tackle them. They all consist of 5 events, with 2 races per event,totaling 10 races per Championship, and these will take anywhere between 1-2 hours to beat each.

You will see the new tracks make an appearance throughout each of the new Championships, and the selection of cars will be readily available to choose from the outset too, but the sole focus for this package is to simply win them and nothing more.

You can choose to play through on whichever difficulty you like, but even on Hard, there isn't really a great challenge here. After going through a big journey with this entire title, I merely wanted to just go through the motions and get this finished more than anything else, but even maintaining this challenge on Hard difficulty saw me win each Championship and unlock all trophies first time round, so this shouldn't take anyone more than 5-6 hours to complete.

The DLC packs were a radical change in direction compared to the main list, which was a very welcome difference after a long time harboring this title in my backlog.

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