Sunday 6 April 2014

DLC #79 - Battlefield 3 - End Game

New toys. New game mode.
The End Game DLC adds 5 trophies to the Battlefield package, and also focuses the extra trophies around the addition of the classic Capture the Flag game mode.

There isn't much here that offers that great of a challenge, at least not in comparison to some of the other DLC packages within the game.

You can unlock 3 of the trophies through achieving a kill using the new vehicles also added into the game, (Motorbike, AA Jeep and Paradrop), and unlike certain vehicles, they're all relatively easy to use, and the fact that you only need to get a solitary kill means you shouldn't find it too tough or time consuming to earn them.

The other trophies, "Capture the Flag", awarded for capturing the flag while playing CTF and "Transport Pilot", awarded for transporting a flag carrier in an air vehicle in CTF, can both be earned naturally playing through a couple of games of Capture the Flag, and even though transporting a flag carrier will require an extent of co-operation, it's much easier to create a squad with a friend/partner and just assist each other in fulfilling the requirements for the trophy, especially if you're struggling with limited co-operation from other players.

End Game is definitely the easiest of the Battlefield DLC packs, and you can earn all 5 trophies in less than a few hours. You might need a bit of patience for the kill-related trophies, which could possibly make it a slightly longer venture, but that's about as far as the overall challenge goes.

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