Friday 6 December 2013

DLC #76 - Assassin's Creed : Revelations - The Lost Archive

Reap the rewards of some casual Platforming
The final portion of Revelations DLC switches the emphasis from Multi-Player, to Single Player content, with The Lost Archive adding 10 new trophies focused around the platforming element of the Single Player game.

The majority of the list is as simple as trophies get, with most of them on offer for merely automatic progression throughout the 7 memories contained within the very short story, which should take no more than 1 hour to beat in full.

However, the rest of the trophies in the list do encourage longevity, and will add a couple of extra hours onto the packages overall completion time;

Find All Pieces - Find All Decipher Fragments
Impress Warren Vidic - Compete the Animus testing sequence without failing
There are 20 Decipher fragments to find across the 7 memories, and most of them are very well hidden. It's nothing a visually aided guide won't solve easily, but if you want the added challenge of finding them yourself, then you'll need to search every part of each memory to find them all. It's also important to note that finding all of these fragments is the only way you can "Break the Loop" within the DLC, and reach the real conclusion of the story, and therefore, unlock the "Breaking the Loop" trophy in the process.

Completing the Animus testing sequence without failing requires you to beat the whole of memory 4 without dying, and although it seems simple enough on face value, it's the most difficult trophy in this list. The memory is full of hazards and holds multiple ways to kill you, so it's important to take your time and learn from any mistakes you might make, and given the fact it could very easily take many attempts to beat the memory without failing, it can be frustrating. The easiest way to unlock this trophy is just to be careful, and understand what you need to do differently during any of the harder parts you might fail at, and although it will still most likely take at least a handful of attempts, it's really just a matter of practice makes perfect.

You can beat the actual story branch in less than 1 hour, which will unlock 7 of the 10 trophies in this list, however the remaining 3 trophies encourage replay value that will add at least another 2 hours on top of this. Even still, this is a short package that presents a low level of challenge, and despite a couple of spikes in difficulty, you can still unlock all trophies in a casual session of play.

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