Saturday 19 October 2013

Platinum #58 - RAGE

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 6/10

A fairly average list with a few genuinely challenging trophies, yet ultimately, along with too many elements of frustration attached.

The game has a healthy dosage of progression based trophies, with 13 awarded for beating each of the game's main story missions, along with an additional 4 stackable trophies awarded for reaching the conclusion of the game.

There are also a large selection of kill-based trophies awarded for using various weapons to rack up specific kill-counts, and even though you should grab the majority of these through pure progression, they do carry on over if you need to go through the game a second time for whatever reasons.

The "RAGE Nightmare" trophy, awarded for finishing the game on Nightmare difficulty, relates to one of the harder trophies in the game, mainly down to a seriously unforgiving health system. The game becomes extremely slow paced, due to the fact you'll often need to get behind cover and replenish your health way too often, which makes getting through the whole campaign both frustrating and difficult.

Thankfully, it is only necessary to play through the game once, given the fact the difficulty related trophies do stack if you beat the game on higher difficulty levels, however, a host of other trophies hold some sneaky missables within that could force you to play through the game multiple times if you're not careful with your checklists.

The "Gotta Have 'Em All" trophy, awarded for collecting all playing cards in one play-through, is the biggest culprit, and requires you to pick up all 54 cards scattered around the game world in a single run. Almost a fifth of them are missable, and can end up getting locked out in areas that you can only visit a limited amount of times throughout the whole game, and missing just 1 of these will mean you have to replay the entire campaign through to the end in order to unlock the trophy.

If you're effectively keeping track, it isn't actually that bad, but there's other things, relating to other trophies, that you can miss out on throughout the game, which can make it a tricky juggling act to keep up with.

The "Master Chef" trophy, awarded for collecting all recipes and schematics in one play-through, is one of these other trophies, and although it isn't as hard to track as the playing cards, there are still a few missable schematics and recipes to be aware of that can be only be found during certain levels you cannot return to later.

These also contribute to the overall completion of the game, and the "Obsessive Compulsive" trophy, awarded for reaching 100% completion in the campaign, is the one trophy you'll always be working towards throughout the entire Single Player offering.

This not only includes collecting all playing cards and schematics, but an array of other requirements, (132 to be ticked off in total), that are also catered to with individual trophies within the list, including winning every race in the campaign, beating every main story mission and side mission and performing all wasteland jumps. There isn't an in-game checklist to look up what you have and what you still need, so it's best to keep track yourself and be aware to what you still need to tick off, especially given the fact that missing playing cards and schematics will also void this trophy unlocking aswell, and require you to replay the whole game to 100% again if you miss just 1 thing.

A couple of the mini-game trophies also deserve a mention, including the "Jackpot" trophy, awarded for rolling 4 targets in the first round of tombstones, which is purely luck based, and could very easily have you sitting there rolling the counter for hours as the jackpot eludes you time and time again, and the "Just a Flesh Wound" trophy, awarded for completing the final round of 5 finger fillet, is a genuine test of skill and reactions, and even though there is a little cheaty pause trick you can utilise, it still takes a considerable element of skill to nail all 5 rounds in a game.

The Co-op portion of the game also has a small handful of trophies allocated to it, centered around beating the 9 Legends of the Wasteland missions.

The "Anthology" trophy, awarded for completing all Legends of the Wasteland, is the main focus, and although it isn't as in depth as anything within the Single Player portion of the game, there's still an extra 3-4 hours to be had from all 9 missions on offer, and there are some more challenging trophies as an added extra that require you to beat a mission on Nightmare difficulty, and beat a mission without either player becoming incapacitated, both of which will be struggle unless you can find a good co-op partner to blast through the missions with.

The Multiplayer portion also contributes, albeit very subtlety, to the list, with 2 trophies awarded for competing in and winning an online race. They're very easy, but you wouldn't want the online to phase out before you got them.

In many respects, the things that make this game difficult just relate to managing the trophy list properly, and making sure you're prepared enough to collect everything within a single play-through and not having to play again for the sake of any missed trophies. The game itself doesn't present too much of a challenge, although if you fly straight into Nightmare difficulty, you'll need to prepare to be patient and tolerable of the low health mechanics which make you duck into cover and recoup often before launching attacks, which can make the game seem slow and devoid of any sort of flow and pace. 

Time-wise, a single play-through should take anywhere between 10-12 and hours, and if you need a second just for the sake of blasting through for anything you missed, you can easily do that in a lesser timeframe of around 8-10 hours, and with the co-op mode on top, it's still a sub 25 hour Platinum.

Notable Trophies -

RAGE Nightmare - Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty
Gotta Have 'Em All - Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through
Master Chef - Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through
Obsessive Compulsive - Reach 100% completion in the Campaign
Hardest Trophy -

Obsessive Compulsive
Reach 100% completion in the Campaign

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