Wednesday 7 August 2013

Platinum #53 - Sleeping Dogs

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 5/10

There isn't really much about this game that makes it difficult, and with a fairly modest completion time too, it's quite a relaxed list.

The trophy list is widely distributed across various elements of the open world, and such an even spread ensures that the list doesn't have too much of an imbalanced focus on certain areas.

The story arc is the main attraction, carrying 30 missions which contribute just 4 natural progression based trophies to the list. As you'd expect from an open world game, there are no difficulty settings either, meaning you don't have any trophies on offer relating to varying difficulty levels. 

The "Big Smiles All Round" trophy, awarded for completing the mission "Big Smile Lee", requires you to beat the final mission of the game, and is only a Silver trophy, which a touch dissapointing when you consider you'd expect to be awarded a Gold trophy for beating any game with a story element, but you'll need to beat practically everything the game has to offer to unlock the Platinum trophy anyway, so it's largely irrelevant regardless.

Speaking of which, the "Chief Inspector" trophy, awarded for completing 100% of missions, cases, events, favours, jobs and races, requires you to cover every element of the game, and beating all of it to 100% to unlock this trophy will take a solid amount of time and dedication. Collectively, there is alot of these to get through, but most of them, barring the story missions and police cases, take very little time to complete, are incredibly easy and you'll run into the vast majority of them whilst free-roaming the city and going between point to point during other events. Most of them are automatically marked on the map too, aswell as tracked in your statistics page, which gives you easy ways to keep on top of what you still need to complete in order to fulfil the requirements of the trophy.

The rest of the list is mostly focused around all the tasks needed to achieve a 100% in-game completion, and in truth, most of them just end up feeling like a bit of a checklist exercise, with the challenge presented at a bare minimum.

So, what are the tougher elements of this list? The "Ultimate Fighter" trophy, awarded for unlocking 10 Triad upgrades, is a bit of a grind that will require you to max out your Triad experience to level 10 by replaying story missions in order to better your previous Triad scores and net enough experience to tip into level 10. You'll hit the end-game at anywhere up to half-way through level 9, and replaying your lower scoring missions in regards to Triad experience, is the only way to increase your overall level. 

The issue comes from the fact that, most of the missions will already be close to maxed out on experience, which means you'll struggle for improvement in most places and the meter will only very slowly fill up when you better your previous scores, which makes it a fairly tedious and longer than necessary process to find those last snippets of experience required to hit level 10 and unlock the 10th upgrade that will unlock the trophy. It's a bit strange, given the fact your Cop experience will max out well before the conclusion of the story, and although there are case files available that exclusively offer Cop experience, there is still a noticeable imbalance between both Triad and Cop levelling. It's also important to note that equipping the mountaineering clothing set grants you an additional 15% experience on missions where Triad exp is awarded, and although it still won't quite get you to level 10, it will definitely minimise the grind element.

The "Pure Gold" trophy, awarded for achieving 30 Gold stat awards, is the hardest trophy in the list and requires you to earn a Gold medal in every category listed under the Social Hub. This gives you no selection to pick and choose from, as there are bang on 30 categories, and some of them are alot trickier to earn a Gold medal in than others. The game will do it's best help you out, giving you ample opportunities throughout various main and side missions, by offering up situations that will help you fulfil some of the requirements for the majority of the stat awards, but you'll still need to go out of your way a fair amount to get the rest of them done, including gamling net profit, total money earned and total expenditure. This will most likely be the final trophy you unlock too, so it takes you well into the end-game as a result.

The list does also boast a pretty heavy emphasis on collectibles, with a slew of trophies awarded for finding all lockboxes in each district, all health shrines and hacking all security cameras. Despite there being a ton of them to gather, the game is generous in providing help to the player, marking every collectible on the map for completing certain favours for NPC's around the city. Although some of them are located in harder to reach places, particularly the lockboxes, the fact there isn't any need for a physical guide makes them instantly easier to track down than most standard collectible related fares, but the sheer volume of them can't make you help but feel it becomes a touch too grindy in the end.

The majoirty of this list is very straight-forward, and the game gives a massive influx of assistance to the player when it come to the tricky elements of the list. As long as you're aiming for the "Chief Inspector" trophy, you'll unlock practically everything else the game has to offer along the way, with only a small portion left where you actively have to go out of your way to earn. The difficulty of the game itself is very minimal, aside the odd main story mission, and some of the collectibles and accumulation of Triad experience can be a bit of a bore-fest. With that being said, you can still easily complete everything right down to the Platinum trophy in anywhere between 25-35 hours (though it clocked in at just under 36 for me).

Notable Trophies - 

Big Smiles All Round - Complete Big Smile Lee
Chief Inspector - Complete 100% of all missions, cases, favours, events, jobs and races
Ultimate Fighter - Unlock ten Triad Upgrades
Pure Gold - Achieve 30 Gold Stat awards
Hardest Trophy -

Pure Gold
Achieve 30 Gold Stat Awards

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