Saturday 22 June 2013

DLC #68 - Saints Row : The Third - Gangsta's in Space

Tackle a movie themed mini story, in
"Gangsta's in Space!"
The second offering of Saints Row : The Third DLC brings a more familar story based angle than the Genki Bowl VII DLC, with a small selection of new missions to tackle, all bundled in with 10 additional trophies to unlock.

The "C-List Celebrity" trophy, awarded for completing all missions in Gangsta's in Space, is the main focus, but don't be mislead by the term "All". There are only 3 new missions to beat and you can easily blast through them within half an hour, depending on the other trophies, which are all circled around performing certain actions within each of the 3 missions.

It's important to note, there is no mission replay function, which makes it important to pick up every trophy at the correct time in the short story. If you miss the point at which you can earn a trophy, you can always replay the mission, providing you haven't actually beaten it, so it's definitely useful to find out where the trophies need to be unlocked, since replaying a mission after beating it would involve deleting all saved game and utility data, restarting the whole game from scratch and then getting back to the specific point in the DLC you need to unlock a trophy. 

Apart from that, this is an incredibly easy selection of trophies. The challenge posed in terms of game difficulty is practically non-existent, and as long as you're on the ball regarding which trophies to unlock during every mission, you shouldn't need any longer than an hour or so to collect all of them.

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