Monday 10 September 2012

Platinum #44 - Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 5/10

We're at a stage now where you could call this a pretty typical Call of Duty trophy list.

The majority of the games trophies are catered to the single player campaign, with a large allocation relating to the progression within the campaign mode.

Aside from beating every mission in the game on any difficulty level, you also get the usual designation of trophies related to beating the missions on veteran difficulty, which is consequently one of the easiest veteran runs in any Call of Duty game to date.

The rest of the trophies are awarded for completing some incredibly simple chapter specific tasks, and, as ever, there are also 46 intel items to collect (Though there is no way to actually know from the chapter select menu which intel items you're missing, which is a little bit annoying).

Even though you can quite easily achieve every single player trophy in around 12 hours, this is still a relatively lengthy list courtesy of the new Survival multiplayer mode.

The "Unstoppable" trophy, which requires you to reach wave 15 in each mission of Survival mode, is nothing more than a slog, and it's also worth noting that you'll also need to reach level 50 in order to unlock every piece of equipment for the "Arms Dealer" trophy, which requires you to buy all weapons from the Survival weapons armoury. Another pretty big slog in itself, and definitely fulfils the grindy element of the Platinum.

The Special Ops missions also carry a sleight weighting of trophies, and even though there are only 3 attached to this mode, you do still need to achieve the maximum 48 stars for the "Overachiever" trophy. Some of the missions can be fairly challenging, but you'll most likely breeze through the rest, especially with a good co-op partner at your disposal.

All in all, despite the grindy elements of the Survival mode, this is possibly the easiest Call of Duty Platinum yet. The single player "Veteran" mode is anything but, and despite a few tough missions, the Special Ops mode is just as easy. The only real degree of challenge presented comes exclusively from the grindy nature of the Survival missions.

Notable Trophies -

The Best of the Best - Complete the campaign on Hardened of Veteran difficulty
Unstoppable - Reach Wave 15 in each misson of Special Ops Survival mode
Arms Dealer - Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armoury
Hardest Trophy -

Arms Dealer 
Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armoury

Note: The trophy itself isn't challenging in the slightest, but you'll need to hit level 50 in Spec Ops/Survival missions in order to unlock the last weapon required to qualify for the requirements of the trophy.

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