Monday, 16 April 2012

DLC #46 - Modern Warfare 3 Content Collection 1

Special Ops time!
Infinity Ward break their usual DLC trends, with the addtion of 6 new trophies for the 2 new Spec Ops missions contained within the first content collection pack.

You can nab 4 of the trophies for just completing both the missions (named Black Ice and Negotiator) on veteran difficulty, where the other 2 are granted for performing specific in-level actions in each of the missions.

The Black Ice trophies are incredibly easy to achieve, even on veteran, but Negotiator will certainly require a bit of persistence. The level itself is definitely tougher and the requirement of saving all 35 hostages demands a fast and methodical approach which will also take a few attempts to perfect.

All in all, it shouldn't take much longer than a few hours to achieve all 6 trophies. It's probably easier to do them in solo, but still not too difficult if you choose to partner up and achieve the trophies with a buddy.

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