I was actually a little bit surprised to see from the stats screen that my overall completion time for Rocket League clocked in at just over 30 hours. It seemed a little bit light for a game that came with a Platinum trophy, as well as 9 DLC packs, but this does also equate to almost 400 games, which sounds more reasonable for the amount of time I feel like I've spent with this game.
This final DLC pack, which was also actually the first one released for the game, is purely a customisation pack. I know Utopia Colosseum preceded this, but those trophies were released as part of a content update (just like the Clubs update was), and was not an officially listed piece of DLC obtainable via store download.
The customisation items include a couple of new car shells, a handful of decals and paint-jobs. Some new wheels, boost trails and a few other things are also thrown in. It's a very vanilla piece of DLC, though given the fact it was the first one released, it was probably treated as a warm-up for everything else that was to be subsequently released later down the line in the form of more fleshed out content packs with new game modes, features and arenas.
There are 6 new trophies on offer, most of which are related to performing specific tasks whilst using the 2 new car shells. These are very easy requirements too. If you equip the Dominus shell, stick a decal on it, play a game, and perform a 180 slide in that game, you'll grab 3 trophies in 1 go.
You'll also need to complete a Season Championship using the Dominus shell in every game, which isn't too bad against a team of bots, depending on which level of bot difficulty you choose to play against. I personally opted for All-Star bots, which is the hardest, and loaded up a Season of 10 teams, playing 18 games, followed by 3 knockout rounds. I actually lost a couple of knockout games going for the trophy, which caused me to have to start over. A little frustrating, but this was always a good way to pad up the shots on the goal for the "Rocket Repleter" trophy in the AquaDome pack, so it never felt like the effort was ever in vain.
The other trophies within this pack for using a specific boost, and travelling 10km with a specific set of wheels, can both be accumulated whilst progressing through a Season Championship. They haven't all been as straight-forward as this, and I think 9 DLC packs culminating in 88 total trophies is a little bit too overcommitted, but the variety has been enjoyable on the whole.