Rise of Iron tells the story of a group of guardians who sacrificed themselves to ensure the secrets of a material called SIVA were contained within the Old Temple (which also acts as the new social hub for this content), only to be discovered by the Fallen some time later, who want to experiment with SIVA as a form of body augmentation.
When tasked with finding a way to stop this, it turns out the Fallen already have access to SIVA and have been using it to create new forms of themselves (called "Splicers"), and need to be stopped.
There are 7 new trophies within Rise of Iron, awarded for completing a broad range of tasks and activities, and just like The Taken King, there is some solid variety accounted for here as the package touches upon most of it's new additions with the small selection of trophies on offer.
Of the 7 new trophies available, 2 of these are awarded for progressing through the new Rise of Iron questline, which will see you defeat Aksis and end the SIVA threat. For a main questline though, this is quite short, and will take you no longer than a couple of hours to complete, containing just a small handful of quests.
The package also spreads the remainder of the trophies well across the variety of other newly introduced content, which includes a couple of new side quests, the newly added Supremacy game mode to the Crucible arena (think Kill Confirmed from the Call of Duty Series), and the new Wrath of the Machine Raid.
None of the additional quest-related trophies are anywhere near as convoluted or long-winded as they were in The Taken King, with a much more simple and linear approach taken this time around, though despite this, it is still important to mention a couple of trophies specifically;
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Student of History - Activate all Iron Lord Artefacts. Splicer God - Complete the "Wrath of the Machine" raid on heroic difficulty. |
The method is relatively simple. You'll need to accept a quest from Tyra Khan at the Old Temple which requires you to fill up a "good deeds" meter to 100%, by completing public events and killing enemies, which will grant you 1 of these artefacts. You can farm the Archon's Forge, another new addition specific to this DLC, which is effectively an arena mode where you have to clear a series of enemies including a boss, which will grant 5% towards the meter for every arena event you clear successfully, plus whatever volume of enemies you manage to defeat during the event on top of this (Every 10 enemies tops the meter up by 1%).
This will take between 1-2 hours each time, purely through cycling events at the Archon's Forge, and once you've filled the meter, you can turn the quest in and retrieve the artefact. However, you're only entitled to 1 Artefact per week, and the options for which Artefact you can have are provided to the player on a rotational basis, with 3 different Artefacts up for grabs each week. This means you'll have to come back for 8 different weeks in total in order to collect each Artefact and trigger this trophy, and you'll also need to make sure you pick up a different Artefact each time. The trophy is looking for you to grab each of the 8 Artefacts on a unique basis, and not just 8 of any combination.
Apparently, you can switch between your 3 character classes, and grab 3 different artefacts per week, which can shorten the journey down to just 3 weeks, but I found Archon's Forge to be too grindy and boring to dedicate that much time in one sitting towards it, so if you find that to also be the case, you'll need to be patient and allow an 8 week lead time to unlock this trophy. I was perfectly fine with logging in for just an hour or two to fulfil this trophy over the course of an 8 week period, and didn't see it as an immediate necessity to grind this out as quickly as possible by jumping between 3 different character classes and grinding out anywhere between 3-6 hours in a single sitting.
Either way, it's important to outline this trophy because of it's "ahead of time" nature, and the fact you need to account for a certain level of advanced playing time with the game as a consequence, and will also require somewhere in the region of 10-15 hours alone when you add it all up collectively.
The "Splicer God" trophy, awarded for Completing the "Wrath of the Machine" raid on Heroic difficulty, adds what you may have come to expect at this point based off previous experience, and the same rules apply as already mentioned regarding Raids. Again, I won't get into the details, for not wanting to say too much of the same thing already discussed previously among the other pieces related to Destiny that have already been written about. Where Raids are very varied in terms of their individual challenge, the logic in terms of trophy strategy is exactly the same for each one, and the approach does not need to change, irrespective of which Raid you're tackling, so there is nothing furthermore to add.
Just to quickly note though; In my opinion, Wrath of the Machine is an easier Raid than King's Fall, but it still took me 3-4 hours to beat it on Heroic difficulty, and you'll still need to get together a fireteam of like-minded players, preferably a full squad of 6, but this can be done with 5 if necessary, along with being able to dedicate a reasonable amount of time to running through it in one-go.
Rise of Iron certainly puts Destiny on the downward curve in terms of difficulty. Trophies related to both the main questline and applicable side quests are very easy to just go through the motions with, where The Taken King presented some stiffer challenges. The Raid is an easier one within this package, but will still require solid levels of teamwork and co-operation, as well as a little bit of endurance, and as long as you don't mind having to keep on top of the "Student of History" trophy, and spending a few hours a week plugging away at this to keep it ticking over for a while, then this is by far the easiest trophy list within the Destiny collection.
As a time estimate, and this is also taking into account the cumulative total of all the sessions you'll need to grab 8 Artefacts, this is around a 20-25 hour list, and if you've made it this far after both the Destiny main list and The Taken King DLC, then there's nothing here that will stop you.
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