In the Name of the Tsar adds a variety of new maps, weapons, gadgets and vehicles, forever topping up the Battlefield 1 armory, which is very extensive after 4 DLC packs that have done exactly the same thing.
The Supply Drop game mode is a new addition, which gets no love whatsoever from the Battlefield community, though 1 of the 5 trophies on offer requires you to win 5 games of it, which can prove challenging, and may require you to find custom lobbies where you can win a match by yourself with pre-round enabled.
Each DLC pack has also had a tendency to add a couple of new Operations, which is thankfully one of the more popular Battlefield 1 game modes, and another trophy separately requires you to complete a game on both of these new Operations added as part of this package, as well as another trophy awarded for completion of a round across each of the 5 newly added maps. There is a final map to make 6, but this was a pre-release and does not count towards the trophy.
However, for the final time, at least within Battlefield 1, there is another assignment based trophy to discuss;
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Filled the Stockpile - Perform a kill with all "In the Name of the Tsar" weapon variants |
This will take some time to get through, and makes this package the most time consuming of them all. Is it necessarily the most difficult? I wouldn't say so, due to the fact the Turning Tides DLC pack had some tough assignment objectives among it, but that doesn't mean to say there weren't a few of these particular challenges here too.
Part 2 of the SMG 08/18 Optical Assault Rifle assignment requires you to destroy 5 tanks with the Anti-Tank Mine, which, for me, was the first sticking point of this trophy. It isn't exactly difficult, nor is 5 too big of a target for this particular objective, but there is alot of circumstantial luck required when judging where to place Anti-Tank mines in order to predict the most likely course for a tank to travel through. Planting them near vehicle entry spawn locations is a sound tactic, but enemies usually get wise to this after the first death, and will look out for them for the rest of the round, and they can also be very easy to spot for drivers who are paying enough attention to the road in front of them, meaning they can also be avoided easily or blown up. I had to play through numerous rounds specifically lying in wait to plant Anti-Tank Mines down on popular routes and waiting for unsuspecting tanks to pass by, frequently playing out entire rounds without a kill. The trial and error aspect significantly slows down your progress here, and is something to certainly watch out for.
Futher to this, Part 2 of the Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 Carbine Scout Rifle assignment requires you to destroy 1 vehicle with K bullets, which was the single assignment objective I ended up spending the most time on, which is strange, because 1 doesn't seem like a lot, until you actually realise there's a very good reason for the requirement only being 1.
K bullets, which are armour piercing ammunition, can be equipped through the Scout class, and are used to cause damage to the outer shell of heavy armour-based vehicles. They are also still effective on non-armoured vehicles, but still do the same amount of damage points per hit, which is usually 7 or 8.
Due to this low amount of damage, it's highly unlikely you will have enough opportunity to progressively wear down a vehicle to the point where it will blow up, and the more likely scenario is that the enemy will eventually abandon the vehicle, or an infantry soldier with repair it from either within or outside the vehicle. K bullets are also single shot, and take ages to reload, which simply doesn't give you enough time to be able to fulfill the objective without any assistance.
The only strategy is to take advantage of the assistance of your team-mates, and focus on vehicles that are subject to being targeted and damaged by others, whether this is through Anti-Tank devices such as grenades, mines and dynamite, or through the use of other heavy vehicles. All of the above will do significant damage, and your best chance will be to time a shot in order to get the killing blow. You can use visual clues in order to assess how close a vehicle may be to being destroyed, which can determine the moment you choose to release a shot, but you're still ultimately playing a game of trial and error and that 7/8 damage needs to be placed into a tight window of success.
This is the only strategy I could pinpoint, and I lost count of how many rounds I had to play before I managed to complete this objective. There is some reasonable logic in this method. It makes sense to let the heavy duty weapons wear larger vehicles down and use the visual state of the enemy vehicle to determine when you should start taking shots, but there isn't a way to tell how much health an enemy has at any point, so you're always taking the shot blind and will need luck on your side. I didn't explore any strategies with weaker, non-armoured vehicles, because they're mostly used for transportation rather than combat, and are never the focal points of attack, and since this objective requires the reliance of others to do the work for you, this is why I believed in this strategy being the best option.
Just away from this trophy, it is important to mention that the completion of this package was further held up by the "Secured the Resources" trophy, awarded for Winning 5 games of Supply Drop. It was touched upon above, and this game mode is literally shown no love whatsoever, so to sit in lobbies and win 5 games was just a matter of waiting for the right opportunities to present themselves. You can play games on custom servers with pre-round enabled, meaning you can sit in there alone and win games without anybody else being present, which is a Godsend, because I don't think you'd ever get the minimum number of players available to even fulfill 1 win, let alone 5. It just means to have wait for map rotations to fall your way, which involve a lot of idle lobby-watching.
I still maintain that Turning Tides is the hardest of the 4 DLC packs, but this does come in at a close second. The levels of patience involved sometimes feel insurmountable, but I wouldn't necessarily equate that to difficulty, because it isn't hard to sit there in a lobby waiting for Supply Drop to turn up in the map rotation again, nor is it difficult to plant mines down, sit at a safe distance and await the fate of an enemy tank. The amount of kills required in this package is way higher than anything else though, and the K bullet assignment objective was the most challenging individual objective across all 4 DLC packs.
Timescales fall somewhere within the region of 20-30 hours, though this is hugely flexible depending on the above.
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