Sunday, 24 March 2019

DLC #117 - Battlefield 1 - Apocalypse

Battlefield games are always strong contenders for DLC with trophies, and Battlefield 1 continues that trend with 4 sets of DLC attached to the main game.

Apocalypse adds what seems to be the norm in terms of an overall Battlefield DLC package, with a series of new maps, weapons, gadgets, vehicles and 5 additional trophies bought to the games core.

The Air Assault game mode is also added, which is covered off by the "Flyswatter" trophy, awarded for destroying 5 airplanes while in the Behemoth Airship L30.

It's a familiar looking list, with the format very akin to that of the set of Battlefield 4 DLC. Within most of those packages, were trophies awarded for smaller tasks, but also a trophy for completing the newly added batch of assignments to each package (This wasn't the case for all 5 DLC packs, but was present in most of them).

Obtaining a kill with the Livens Projector and the Broken Bottle will cover off a further 2 trophies (though the latter will require a prerequisite to be unlocked for use), and you'll also need to perform a melee kill on a Flametrooper Elite, which is incidentally the easiest way to take them down. Regarding the new weapons added to the package, they actually have to be unlocked for use, which is where the final trophy comes in;

Weapons of the Apocalypse - Perform a kill with all "Apocalypse" weapon variants.
Where Battlefield 4 would award a trophy for completing all assignments in the package, this is effectively the same thing, just dressed up a little differently. There are 10 new weapons included within Apocalypse, and each one has to be unlocked for use via completing certain assignments, so the weapon is effectively the reward. Across these 10 new weapons, there are 14 assignments in total, and this trophy is replicated for all 4 Battlefield 1 DLC packs.

There aren't many assignments that actually stand out as challenging. Most of them just simply require you to obtain a specific number of kills with an existing weapon, though the total number of kills you'll need to rack up is 440, which includes all kills as per the assignment objective and subsequent kills required with the actual weapon variant. Don't forget that last part. It is the key trigger for the trophy after all.

This naturally makes it a fairly time consuming venture, with this trophy responsible for around 15-20 hours of gameplay alone. In order to unlock the Broken Bottle melee weapon, you'll need 5 kills with the wine bottle, which is dotted around in certain parts of the new maps within this package. The catch with the wine bottle melee weapon is that, once it's been collected from it's spawn point on the map, it won't respawn until you begin a new game, so your chances for kills will be limited, and due to the fact it's a melee weapon, it can be frustrating to get close enough to opponents in order to acquire kills, but this is really the only assignment I would specifically pick out from this group which presents any sort of skill-based challenge. Most of the other assignments are based around accumulation of kills and/or support functions such as healing and resupply points, which are easy to focus on.

One final detail that's important to point out, and this goes for every assignment-based trophy contained within this batch of DLC, is the fact that you can actually unlock this trophy by just picking up the weapon variant from killed enemies on the battlefield and this will count towards the trophy. I never once had the inclination to do it this way myself, and whether it's a more time efficient method than unlocking them progressively will purely depend on how lucky you are in finding the required weapons. It will cut down a series of challenges per weapon you find and obtain a kill with, but whether you find them all is another story. Some of these weapons aren't that commonly used, so it's probably better to just work on unlocking them yourself. It's also a better challenge.

If you go for the more conventional method of unlocking the weaponry yourself, the package comes in at around 20-25 hours of gameplay. The specific objectives for the weapons in this set aren't as challenging in comparison to some of them in the other sets of DLC available, but they will take a solid level of time commitment at the very least.

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