It's funny looking back sometimes. When you reflect on anything in life, you always think about certain things, and give them greater thought than what you usually would. What was good? What was bad? Was it worth it? Any Regrets? Granted, people usually apply this sort of logic to more pressing matters in life than virtual accomplishments, but these shiny pixels still pose the very same questions when you look back upon achieving certain milestones, especially when you consider the amount of time and effort you've dedicated to the cause of achieving every single last one of them over the years of gaming.
When it was announced back in June of 2008 that the Playstation 3 would receive a new update that would rival the popular achievements system that has been used on the Xbox since 2005, a whole 3 years prior to the eventual Playstation equivalent, I wasn't exactly overcome with joy.
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Platinum #1 - Where it all began |
It did show promise though, and although it was merely through intrigue that I popped Uncharted back into my Playstation in the middle of August 2008 when the official trophy patch was released for the game, that was when I was hooked. I hammered out my first Platinum trophy within just a month (going by timestamps, though in reality it was about 1 and a half weeks, due to the inclusion of a summer holiday in between).
It left me wanting more, but there wasn't anything to be had. The build up to Christmas 2008 saw a number of high profile games being announced with trophy support included straight out of the box, including Bioshock 1, Dead Space, Call of Duty : World at War and Mirrors Edge, but there were still games omitting the system or eventually patching trophies at a later date, which still bought about questions regarding Sony's system. 6 months on, and even though I had a handful of games with full support of the system I still only had 4 Platinums to my name by the close of 2008.
Early in 2009, things changed when Sony made it mandatory for games to ship with trophy support straight out of the box. This renewed my faith in the system, and for the first time, I could actually envision it being a big part of the Playstation and how we play games.
Highlights of 2009 included Mirrors Edge, Resident Evil 5, Skate 2, LittleBig Planet, FIFA 09 and Call of Duty : World at War, and my Platinum count rose to 13 by the end of the year. The limits to which certain trophy lists would push your ability went beyond what people would have previously gone to without them, and I've always personally relished the challenge of tough Platinums, where others shy away and stick to safe games. If a game has an easy list, then so be it, it doesn't affect my enjoyment any less than a game that goes to another level, but I see trophies as accomplishments and feats within my gaming preferences, and not just merely just an extension to a arbitrary collection.
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The Big Five - Motorstorm : Pacific Rift, GTA IV, Resistance 2, FIFA 10, Shift 2 : Unleashed |
Ultimately though, I never stay away for too long, and 2011 clocked in with 12 more Platinum trophies. The yearly figures seemed to be quite consistent, and my average works out to around 1 Platinum every 6 weeks, which does actually sound surprisingly frequent, when you consider it took me almost 5 years to hit 50 in total.
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The Number Crunch |
2012 saw a slight dip, with 9 Platinum trophies, but 4 in 2013 thus far have set that track towards a greater route already. It is also important to note the amount of time invested in DLC packages too, which obviously doesn't count towards any lists Platinum, but for those who want to achieve 100%, like myself, games are constantly revisited in order to collect the additional trophies as and when the DLC packs are released. When you're revisiting games at that sort of consistency, and have to devote the time towards unlocking the additional trophies they carry, you will lose time on working towards other Platinums, which will have a detrimental effect on strike rates.
It's true that trophy hunting can be boring sometimes. Whether this be through natural monotony of lists, or just simply being bored of the whole thing entirely, there's always a seemingly invisible pull that will bring you back for more. A game isn't complete in my books until it's at 100%, and my natural enthusiasm for perfectionism continuously drives me towards my goals, no matter what sort of darker areas a list will have me delve into, and there have been plenty. It's just knowing what's at the end that matters, and I've always believed that if you want something enough, you can have it.
Thankfully, there have been way more enjoyable times than there have frustrating ones, and I genuinely believe that trophies have also enhanced my gaming skills in various ways. They aren't just a way for me to pass time, or feel good at something anymore. I always find myself looking for that next challenge and grabbing a Platinum that is achieved through increased skill and determination, and developing a collection that makes you proud to look back at.
Whilst I'm fully aware that 50 Platinum trophies isn't exactly a massive figure in the larger picture of trophy hunting, especially 5 five years on, it is still an achievement I never thought I'd fulfil. It's taken a little while, and it definitely carries it's fair share of ups and downs, but it's still a satisfying milestone, and one I will always be proud of.
Here's to another 50.
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