A large potion of this trophy list is dedicated to the game's story mode, with a generous offering of progression based trophies for simply finishing the 3 different campaigns in the single player festival.
Collectively, each story path takes no longer than a couple of hours, and you aren't even required to win every race to be able to unlock all of the relevant trophies (You simply have to place in the top 3).
This makes for a quick and incredibly easy batch of trophies, a stark contrast to the festival mode of Pacific Rift, which was hugely punishing, and required you to win every race too.
The single player portion of the list does throw up some frustrating collectible based trophies though, with the "Found 'Em All!" trophy awarded for collecting all 150 of the Motorstorm Cards. Whilst, for the most part, these are easy to grab, there are a handful of them that can be difficult to collect, and require an element of trial and error to get. It's also important to mention that the sheer volume of them will stick at least a few hours onto the Platinum time too.
The hugely unforgiving regressive online levelling system present in Pacific Rift has also been ditched, and substituted for a more traditional system where you can still level up irrespective of your finishing position in each race, and never have to worry about being demoted ranks.
You can earn experience points for practically everything, which maximises your potential experience for every race. Earning medals and accolades are the way to level quickly, as they grant huge experience rewards, especially the later tier accolades which can frequently award 10000 experience points and much more.
Even with this taken into account, the "Jackpot" trophy, for reaching rank 40 in Multiplayer, is still a hefty time sink, where you can easily be looking around the 20-25 hour mark to reach the highest rank (trophy-wise). There are even trophies granted at levels 5, 15 and 30 as spur on incentives on your way to hitting rank 40.
The rest of the list is just based around menial tasks within races, and exploration of other game modes and gameplay options. These require nothing more than a bit of dabbling (though a few of them can be a bit tricky), and some can even be easily obtained naturally whilst going through the story mode and online related trophies.
Overall, it is a very watered down list, especially in comparison to Pacific Rift, which was harder and more time consuming to the ten-fold, and even though you'll still be looking at a decent time investment to Platinum Apocalypse, it's still way too easy, and as long as you have the patience for the online levelling grind, the rest is a complete breeze.
Notable Trophies -
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Found 'em All! - Collect 150 of the hidden Motorstorm Cards Jackpot - Reach Rank 40 in Multiplayer |
Reach Rank 40 in Multiplayer
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