The pack also adds the Chainlink game mode, where the primary objective is to capture a series of flags, and by doing so, creating links between capture points in order to reduce the enemies ticks and win the game. The more links between adjacent objective points you hold, the quicker the enemies ticks reduce.
There are also 5 new trophies added to the mix, and for the most part, these are straight forward. Winning 2 rounds of Chainlink will give you a trophy, as will spending 5 minutes using the new Ballistic Shield (which you have to unlock via completing one of the assignments tied to this expansion).
You also get trophies for completing a round on each of the 4 new maps, and earning 5 kills in a round using the RAWR gadget, which is a robotic, remote-controlled gun on tracks. This is also the second of the 3 packs which offers a trophy for completing all assignments, which is the final trophy;
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Street Fighter - Complete all Dragon's Teeth Assignments |
As before with the China Rising expansion, there are 10 further assignments within this pack, each with a varying number of objectives within them required to complete the assignment. There are 10 in total, the same number as was in China Rising, with a couple of objectives within these assignments that stand out, and are slightly trickier to earn;
Assignment 7 - Destroy a vehicle with the EOD bot
This objective requires you to earn the killing blow on any vehicle using the new Explosive Ordnance Device. This is a remote-controlled robot, which functions in the same way as the repair tool, meaning, if used on an allied vehicle, it will repair it, and if used on an enemy vehicle, it will cause damage. Unlike most weapons effective against vehicles, which is sudden, the damage caused by the EOD bot is slowly progressive, which means the enemy will notice the health counter of their vehicle decreasing over a short period of time, and can react within a plentiful time frame before any killing blow is dealt. This will usually cause an enemy to either vacate the vehicle, and the EOD bot is very weak, so it can be destroyed very quickly, or the enemy vehicle will panic and drive away, and the EOD bot isn't as quick as most regular battle vehicles to be able to keep up with them, which makes for 2 unfavorable situations. It's also difficult to deal the killing blow because you'll usually be competing with other vehicles and soldiers with explosive weapons that deal explosive damage, and will often beat you to the punch as a consequence. You'll have to mostly rely on your allies dealing enough damage to enemy vehicles to the point where their health is below 5, in order for you to be able to deal the final blow. On top of all this, you may also have to deal with enemy engineers repairing vehicles in between high levels of damage at the same time. This is the toughest objective in the package, and requires a high element of luck due to the wide range of variables outlined above.
Assignment 10 - Play 10 hours of Dragon's Teeth maps
This objective is replicated from the China Rising expansion, and is part of the only Gold assignment in this package. You'll more than likely finish every other assignment before you clock up 10 hours anyway, and this was the final assignment I unlocked in this expansion. By completion of every other assignment prior to this one, I had only played 8 hours on Dragon's Teeth maps, so I was purely playing to accumulate game time come the end of this expansion, but it still puts a minimum completion time of 10 hours onto the DLC. It's still a stark contrast to the China Rising DLC, which saw me put way more than 10 hours into finishing it, whereas this one actually left me with time to spare.
Despite being an expansion pack that contains an assignment related trophy, this isn't one of the most challenging expansion packs within Battlefield 4. It's certainly the easiest of the 3 packs which contain a requirement to beat all of the assignments, despite having a couple of challenging objectives along the way. It's somewhere in between being slightly more challenging than the Second Assault expansion, but not quite as difficult as Naval Strike, so it's not quite the easiest out of the DLC packs, but it isn't too far off.
I fulfilled every objective and unlocked all other trophies, within 8 hours, prior to clocking the minimum requirement of 10 hours to complete the gold assignment, so to have time to spare is a good indication of challenge from this DLC.