There are a few very menial tasks that yield trophies, including igniting a brush fire using the repair tool in Operation Metro or Caspian Border and finding the hidden tunnel on Caspian Border, both of which take a matter of seconds to unlock. This is even quicker if you can achieve both on the same map.
The third out of three bronze trophies is awarded for killing an enemy with a ceiling collapse on Operation Metro, which could actually prove tricky, due to it's very situational/luck orientated nature, but I managed to grab this one without such issues.
There are also 2 silver trophies, one of which is awarded for killing an enemy flag carrier while carrying their flag, in the newly added Capture the Flag game mode. Just as above, this can potentially prove tricky, but the vacant nature of the game at this stage makes it much easier when you're playing within smaller groups of people. You can imagine the challenge of trying to achieve this trophy among the height of the game's life cycle in huge lobbies where everybody would be focusing on the objective of the game mode, and the difficulties this would create in terms of killing a flag carrier whilst holding the enemies flag simultaneously, so the fact the game is deeply into a declining phase of population actually makes this trophy more achievable.
That leaves the final trophy, which does present a reasonable challenge, irrespective of the circumstances;
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Blind Bomber - In a round get 5 kills with air vehicles in Gulf of Oman |
Firstly, you have to overcome the difficulty curve of mastering any air vehicle in Battlefield, which remains one of the most challenging aspects of the game. If you've been playing through, or have already played, the China Rising expansion pack, this includes trophies that contain a heavy emphasis on air combat, so you may already be in a better position to tackle this trophy where you've maybe had a decent level of practice. If not, be prepared to spend a reasonable amount of time learning how to master the flight mechanics and obtain kills simultaneously.
Secondly, the Gulf of Oman map has live climate changing mechanics which involve a sandstorm sweeping across the environment. This makes visibility extremely poor, and as a result, can significantly hinder your progression towards the total amount of kills necessary to fulfill the requirements of the trophy. You can attempt to get closer to the ground, but this makes you much more vulnerable to ground units equipped with rocket launchers, so you'll need to maximise the amount of kills you earn outside the storm timeframe.
The final barrier is the fact the trophy is actually glitched. I had to obtain 5 kills in a round on 2 separate occasions before the trophy was triggered. This led me to believe that kills as a passenger may not have counted, but they actually do, and if you get 5 kills in a round, regardless of whether you're the pilot or the passenger, then it's likely the trophy has just glitched on you instead, so I ended up fulfilling the requirements of the trophy twice.
A good tactic to adopt is to park the helicopter on the floor near a conquest capture point and man one of the side gunners and just lie in wait for enemy troops to approach. It's effectively like using a stationery ground turret, but will still count towards the total of 5 kills because you're still inside the helicopter, and you'll also avoid the dogfights that can often leave you respawning often and losing time.
Is this package easier than Naval Strike? I personally think so, but then again, that's purely based off the fact I got lucky with a few of these trophies which could potentially be a nightmare for certain people who aren't as lucky with them. Second Assault is the second of two packs that don't contain an assignment related trophy (the second of which is the aforementioned Naval Strike pack), and the only 3 trophies I now have left for this game are the 3 assignment based trophies, for each of the 3 outstanding DLC packs.
If you can negotiate the "Blind Bomber" trophy without too many issues, this shouldn't be too bad, but should be approached with an open mentality, due to the possibility of struggling with the other circumstantial trophies outlined above.