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For Sparta... |
As per normal, there are 10 additional trophies in total, spread between both competitve and co-operative game modes, with 3 of the trophies in this package awarded for achieving a set number of medals whilst obtaining kills in the new Shade Survival co-op mode.
It's actually just normal co-op survival mode, with re-skinned enemies, so to actually to go as far as to call it a brand new mode is somewhat misleading.
This package contributes both a time consuming and skill filled element, with a handful of trophies within this list responsible for this;
This makes it a very time consuming trophy, and even though there are other trophies scattered around the various DLC packs for 50 wins each game mode, these are often shorter in length, and 50 wins will take a considerable amount of time to achieve, even with a good win ratio. It is a good game mode to achieve medals in though, which will certainly help towards completion of the other DLC packs, though it is also important to note, not all medals can be achieved in Plunder, and are exclusively restricted to Deathmatch modes.
The "Overseer" trophy, is arguably the most difficult trophy in this entire game, and the level of co-operation required in order to achieve it is of a necessarily high standard. The situation occurs at the end of the Monastery level in co-op mode, where you have to protect a statue in the middle of the courtyard from taking any damage whatsoever from a series of incoming RPG equipped enemies.
The fact you have to fulfil the requirements of this trophy on Crushing difficulty turns out to be the biggest problem, because this reduces the margin of error for how many hits you can afford the statue to take, which actually turns out to be just the 1. You'll also need a party of 3 as a bare minimum, in order to effectively co-ordinate the level of cover required to make sure every possible spot an RPG equipped enemy can pop up is always sufficiently covered, then it's just a matter of making sure you kill them before they can get a rocket away. You'll also have to deal with ground troops at the same time, and the fact there is no set routine as to where the enemies will appear from, so you always have to be prepared for a different pattern each time, which can make you and your team open to costly errors.
Due to the fact it also occurs at the very end of the level, if you need to restart, you'll have to go through the entire level from the beginning, which is just plain frustrating, but also something you should fully expect in the quest for this trophy, even with a good team, which is the biggest key here. You can't earn this trophy through naturally playing through the level, because the required strategy is just simply too intricate for 1 person to execute alone, so a like minded party of players all looking to achieve this trophy is a must. I would agree with anybody who believes this is the game's toughest challenge.
The "Unstoppable" trophy is here for similar reasons as above, though nowhere near as difficult as the "Overseer" trophy. During the London Underground level, you're tasked with pushing a cart from one end of a track to other without stopping. You'll need 1 person to push the cart, whilst the other 2 hold off enemies, which can be extremely tough given the fact you'll face a few of the tougher mini bosses along the way. If the person pushing the cart is downed, or stops pushing the cart at any point, you'll have to restart from the most recent checkpoint, if not the entire level, so same rules apply as the above too.
It certainly won't cause you as many problems as the "Overseer" trophy, though you'll need a decent level of co-operation to achieve it.
The "Head Crusher" trophy is the only bronze trophy that really deserves a mention. In order to achieve a head hunter medal, you need to earn 3 headshot kills during a game, and the trophy requires 50 of these medals, which equates to 150 headshots. You won't unlock too many of these per game, due to the nature of how short games can be, and executing headshots is a tough thing to do in a game like Uncharted.
This is predominantly because people move around alot, even when shooting from a stationery position. People seem to have this strange habit whereby they shift side to side extremely quickly on the spot, which makes obtaining headshot kills a tougher tasker than you may initially believe. I found using a sniper rifle loadout to be the best way to earn this trophy, despite the fast paced nature of the game, but you'll need alot of patience and this trophy will take a fair chunk of time to achieve.
This is, yet again, another tough piece of DLC from Uncharted 3. It contains the toughest trophy in the entire game, that is genuine gem to add to any trophy hunters collection, and also tacks on a mass of hours of gameplay into the overall package, with a strong offering of time consuming trophies. In terms of attaching an estimated completion time, it really depends how long it takes you to achieve the "Overseer" trophy. It isn't at all unheard of for people to leave this package incomplete on this trophy alone, but as a rough benchmark, it would fall anywhere between 50-60 hours.
It's been a long road with this game already, and there are still more 2 packs to complete...